Saturday, July 5, 2008

My First Post!

With the help of my daughter's, I have learned a little about myspace, running an online business and now... blogging, so I am going to give this a try (with a lot of help from my daughters of course).

I have always been very crafty, and have always had a large stash of crafts that we loved to get out and play with as a family, which has always enriched our lives. When my daughters discovered Etsy and opened their own shops, I decided that I wanted to have a little slice of this pie too.

My wonderful husband of 24 years, passed away 6 years ago from Leukemia (read about it HERE in my daughter's blog post), so creating has helped me to look forward to something again. It has been truly refreshing and rewarding to embark on this new journey and to have something that others can enjoy as well.